The Sunflower Award shines a light on the heartfelt care and dedication of our Allied Health team members. Allied Health team members includes all healthcare related professions and personnel whose functions include assisting, facilitating, or complementing the work of physicians and other specialists.
Much like a sunflower turning to the sun, these healthcare professionals bring warmth, positivity and unwavering support to their patients and colleagues.
This special award honors those who consistently go beyond the expected, reflecting qualities such as empathy, professionalism and clinical expertise. They truly embody Onvida Health’s values, which serve as the driving force for how they live and interact with their patients and peers.
- Bring kindness
- Achieve together
- Aspire for better
- Do the right thing
- Lead with optimism

Help us celebrate these healthcare heroes, who make a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve. Nominate a deserving member of the patient care team for the Sunflower Award today and let their light shine bright!
How They Are Recognized
The Sunflower Award is an internal program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care provided by Allied Health team members.
Our Sunflower Award honorees are celebrated at a quarterly public ceremony. Each receives a certificate, a Sunflower Award pin, a bouquet of sunflowers and a crystal-glass award plaque.
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