Building Hope

Donate a brick. Honor a loved one.
Help build a healthier tomorrow.

During COVID-19, many heroes emerged: family members grieving loved ones, healthcare workers providing care at bedsides, and courageous patients fighting for their lives. The Building Hope campaign invites you to honor these individuals with a meaningful tribute.

By participating—whether through sponsorship or dedicating a brick—you can leave a message of gratitude in our memorial. Each brick contributes to a unique structure that honors our past and supports a healthier future.

Our goal is to raise $350,000 for essential projects and services for patients and their families. Your support will also help us establish and maintain a lasting place of remembrance for years to come.

Donate a Brick

Our Journey

Giving Opportunities

Your generosity helps us continue to provide essential care and comfort when it matters most. By contributing to the memorial, we can ensure the sacrifices made during this challenging period are not forgotten. Several options are available to support this impactful initiative.

  • Two (2) exclusive White Coat Experiences
  • Exclusive coffee/breakfast with a Department Head of choice, up to 20 guests
  • Most prominent logo/name recognition on the Memorial, top-level recognition on all campaign materials: e-mail campaigns, website, social channels, brochures and invitations, and a featured e-newsletter story
  • Co-branded memorial signage with exclusive naming opportunity
  • One (1) exclusive White Coat Experience
  • Exclusive coffee/breakfast with a Department Head of choice, up to 20 guests
  • Second most prominent name recognition on the Memorial, top-level recognition on all campaign materials: e-mail campaigns, website, social channels, brochures and invitations, and a featured e-newsletter story
  • Bronze plaque on memorial wall with prominent placement

Unique Recognition:

  • Exclusive White Coat Experience OR coffee/breakfast with a Department Head of choice, up to 10 guests
  • Name recognition on the Memorial, logo recognition on all campaigns on website and in all electronic campaign materials and social channels
  • 10 prominently placed bricks for honorees of the sponsor’s choice
  • Two representatives invited to a White Coat Experience
  • Name recognition on the Memorial and logo recognition on website and all electronic campaign materials
  • 5 prominently placed bricks for honorees of the sponsor’s choice
  • One representative invited to a White Coat Experience
  • Name recognition on the Memorial and logo recognition on social media channels and in electronic campaign materials
  • 3 prominently placed bricks for honorees of the sponsor’s choice
  • $500 – Sponsor a Brick with a Message: Honor an individual or group with their name and one line of text, up to 20 characters.
  • $250 – Sponsor a Brick: Honor an individual or group, name only.

Join us in building hope and building a healthier tomorrow through giving.
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