Care Philosophy

Every patient is special. I want my patients to see me not only as their doctor, but their friend.

Education & Professional Highlights

Dr. Amarnauth Singh is a cardiac electrophysiologist at Onvida Health Cardiology. Dr. Singh received his medical degree from the University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff, Wales, UK. He completed his medical residency at Cleveland Hospital in London, England. Dr. Singh further specialized by completing a fellowship in cardiology and electrophysiology at Albany Medical College in Albany, NY. 

When he is not taking care of patients, Dr. Singh enjoys reading, hiking and playing the Spanish guitar.

  • Medical Degree – University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff, Wales.
  • Internal Medicine Residency – Cleveland Hospital in London, England.
  • Cardiology Fellowship – Albany Medical College in Albany, NY.
  • Electrophysiology Fellowship – Albany Medical College in Albany, NY.
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Internal medicine

Peer Reviewed Publications 

Flint J, Wright C, Singh A. Acquired pulmonary stenosis due to pleomorphic adenocarcinoma. British Heart Journal 51:457-461,1984.

Shiu MF, Singh A. Spontaneous recannalization of side branches occluded in the course of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.British Heart Journal 54:215,217,1985.

Singh A, Murray RG, Chandler S, Shiu MF. Myocardial Salvage following elective angioplasty for total coronary coronary occlusion.Cardiology 74:474-478.1987.

Singh A, Fein SA, Sacco J, Wright E, Ferrick KJ, Doyle JT, Biddle TL. Echocardiographic detection and treatment of right intracavity thrombosis- a review of 56 cases. American Journal of Non-Invasive Cardiology 2:41-47. 1988.

Singh A, Lombardo D, Daudiss K, Fein SA, Biddle TL. Passage of right atrial thrombus to the left cardiac chambers- Echo detection and surgical removal. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 16:592-594, 1988.

Singh A,Chandler S, Pears D, Perry R, Murray RG, Shiu MF. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients with impaired left ventricular function.Effects on myocardial perfusion and exercise left ventricular performance. Clinical Cardiology.12:247-251,1989.

Perry RA, Seth A, Singh A, Shiu MF. Success and complication rates of coronary angioplasty in patients with and without previous myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal. 9:37-42,1988.

Singh A, Lee CY, Goldfarb R, Tsan MF. Relationship between myocardial glutathione content and extent of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Circulation 80:1795-1804.1989.

Goldfarb RD, Singh A. Glutathione redox pathway and reperfusion injury. Circulation 80:712-713,1989.

Singh A, Fein SA. Post infarction ventricular arrhythmias. Emergency Medicine. 27-34, June, 1990.

Perry RA, Singh A, Seth A, Hunt A, Murray RG, Shiu MF. Sustained improvement in left ventricular function after successful coronary coronary angioplasty. British Heart Journal. 63:277-280. 1990.

Allen G, Klingman R, Ferraris V, Fisher H, Harte F, Singh A. Transesophageal echocardiography in the surgical management of renal cell carcinoma with cardiac extensors. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 32:6,833-836.1992.

Fein SA, Breisblatt W, Doyle JT, Singh A. Approach to ischemic heart disease, coronar care care and severe heart failure (including cardiogenic shock). Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 10:145-160,1994.

Singh A, Breisblatt W, Cutrone M, Fein SA, Klingman R, Ferraris V. Transesophageal echocardiography as an important tool in the diagnosis of post infarction papillary muscle rupture. Cardiology. 36:417-420, 1994.

Saletta S, Lederman E, Kuehler DH, Fein S, Singh A, Fortune J. Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with blunt chest trauma. Journal of Trauma. 37:166-172, 1994.

Ecconomides E, Singh A. Identification of primary myocardial tumor by unique neovascularization findings. Catheter and Cardiovascular Disease. 70:213-215,1998.

Torosoff M, Singh A, Fein SA. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and hospital outcome of patients with documented aortic dissection: The Albany Medical Center Experience 1986-1996. American Heart Journal 137:154-161, 1999.

Singh A, Karnik R, Shah A, Chutani S, Kantharia B. Myocardial strain characteristics at different pacing timings: implications for device programming and long term clinical outcomes in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy. ACTA Cardiologica,76: 46-55.2021.

Seminars, Invited Lectureship and Presentations 

  1. The role of the endogenous anti-oxidant glutathione in protection against myocardial reperfusion injury. Quarterly Scientific Meeting. Albany Medical College. November 1989.
  2. Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias. Grand Rounds, Elizabethtown Hospital, New York, December 1989.
  3. Update on the management of sudden cardiac death. Grand Rounds presentation, Albany Medical College, New York, January 1990.
  4. Beta blockers in Sudden cardiac death. Symposium. St Joseph Hospital. Upstate, New York. January 1990.
  5. Role of signal averaged ECG in identifying subets of patients at high risk for sudden cardiac death. Grand rounds. Mary McClellan Hospital, Upstate New York, January 2000.
  6. Oxygen free radicals and myocardial perfusion injury. Annual Scientific Cardiovascular Symposium, Merck Headquarters. Pennsylvania, February 1990.
  7. Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. Visiting lecturer, Kingston General hospital, Upstate New York, May 1991.
  8. Update on mitral valve prolapse. Upstate New York Nurse Practitioners meeting.1991.
  9. Management of acute myocardial infarction. New York State Annual Internal Medicine Symposium. Buffalo, New York 1991.
  10. Options in the management of acute myocardial infarction. Upstate New York Pharmaceutical Society Meeting. 1991.
  11. Update on the management of Congestive heart failure. Grand Rounds. Glens Falls Hospital, New York, May 1992.
  12. Myocardial glutathione and increased susceptibility to doxorubicin induced cardiomyopathy. American Heart Association Scientific Meeting, November,1992.
  13. Regional myocardial dysfunction on tilt table testing in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March 1993.
  14. Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with blunt chest trauma. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March1995.
  15. Comparison of various imaging modalities for identification of aortic root injury in blunt chest trauma. Anesthesia Grand Rounds, Albany Medical College, September 1996.
  16. Role of tilt table testing in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope, Medical Grand Rounds, Albany Medical College, May 1995.
  17.  Role of antiarrhythmic agents in chemical cardioversion with a focus on Ibutilide, Medical Grand Rounds, Albany Medical College, Movember 1996.
  18. Comparison of antiarrthyhmic agents on left atrial mechanical function following cardioversion for atrial fibrillation. European Congress of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Bolognia, Italy, September 1997.
  19. Role of the implantable defibrillator for patients with ventricular tachycardia. Medical Grand Rounds. Mary Imogene Hospital, Cooperstown, New York September 1999.
  20. Management of patients with supraventricular tachycardia. Medical Grand Rounds, AO Fox Hospital, New York, March 2000.
  21. Risk stratification and management of patients with ventricular tachycardia. Medical Grand Rounds, Albany Memorial Hospital, New York, July 2000.
  22. Differentiation of wide complex tachycardia. Cardiology for Primary Care Practioners. Cardiology Symposium, Albany Medical College. October 2000.
  23. Current concepts in the management of atrial fibrillation. Anesthesia Grand Rounds . Albany Medical College, January 2001.
  24. Device management of patients in the operating room. Cardiothoracic Surgery Grand Rounds. Albany Medical College, May 2001.
  25. Management of Atrial fibrillation and Atrial Flutter . Cradiology for the Primary Care Physicians, Albany Medical College, November 2001.
  26. ECG interpretation: Rhythm Analysis. Cardiology for the Primary Care Practitioner. Albany Medical College.November 2001.
  27. Update on newer techniques used in the Electrophysiology Laboratory. Medical Grand Rounds. Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New York. February 2002.
  28. Analysis of complex arrhythmias. Cardiology for the Primary Care Practitioners. Albany Medical College. October 2002.
  29. Management of patients at risk for sudden cardiac death. John C. Lincoln North Mountain Hospital Grand Rounds. February 2004.

Abstracts and Presentations at Scientification Sessions

  1. Taylor DN, Barfield K, Singh A. Phase analysis-does it help in distinguishing left ventricular aneurysm from diffuse hyopkinesia? Nuclear Medicine Communications.Volume 3, November 1982.
  2. Singh A, Gray IR, Smallpiece C. Ruptured interventricular septum following myocardial infarction- A review of 14 cases. Proceedings of the West Midlands Physicians Meeting, November 1982.
  3. Singh A, Shiu MF, Chandler S, Murray RG. The place of radionuclide techniques in the assessment of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty- A preliminary communication. Proceedings, Nuclear Medicine Cardiology Group, London, December 1983. Nuclear Medicine Communications, January 1984.
  4. Chandler S, Singh A, Murray RG. Thallium emission tomography: Is it more sensitive than planar images in coronary artery disease? Proceedings, British Intitute of Radiology Meeting ‘Why tomography’, February, 1984.
  5. Singh A, Chandler S, Shiu MF, Murray RG. Radionuclide assessment of percutaneous coronary angioplasty. Nuclear Medicine Medicine Communications. Volume 5: #4, April 1984.
  6. Singh A, Chandler S, Shiu MF. Effect of successful coronary angioplasty on myocardial perfusion and function. British Heart Journal Vol 53:#1,1985. Presented at British Cardiac Society Meeting, London 1984.
  7. Singh A, Shiu MF. Successful coronary coronary angioplasty in totally occluded coronary arteries. British Heart JournalVolume 53,#1, 1985. Presented at the British Cardiac Society Meeting , London, 1985.
  8. Singh A, Pears D, Murray RG, Chandler S, Shiu MF. The effect of coronary angioplasty on myocardial perfusion and function in patients with previous muocardial infarction. European Heart Journal Journal, Vol6, Supplement 1.1985. Presented at the European Cardiac Society Meeting, Brighton, UK 1985.
  9. Perry R, Singh A, Shiu MF. Success and complication rates for coronary angioplasty inpatients with previous myocardial infarction. British heart Journal 54.Vol6:624.1985. Presented at the British Cardiac Society Meeting, London 1985.
  10. Perry R, Singh A, Shiu MF. Success and complication rates in patients with unstable angina undergoing coronary angioplasty. British Heart Journal, 57,1:79,1987. Presented at the British Cardiac Society meeting, London, 1986.
  11. Flint J, Perry R, Singh A, Shiu MF. Right and left ventricular function following single vessel angioplasty. Nuclear Medicine Medicine Communications,4:174,1987.
  12. Singh A, Ferrick K, Biddle TL. Can Holter recordings predict the electrophysiologic response in patients on amiodarone therapy? Clinical Research36,1:8A, 1988.
  13. Singh A, Fein SA, Biddle TL. Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac output following restoration of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial arrhythmias. Clinical Research 36,1:8A, 1988.
  14. Singh A, Lee K, Goldfarb RD, Tsan MF. Glutathione protects against myocardial reperfusion injury. Clinical Research 36,3:318A, 1988. Presented at the Plennary Scientific Session, American Federation of Clinical Research, D.C..U.S.A.
  15. Flint J, Singh A, Seth A, Perry R, Shiu MF. Sustained long-term improvement in left ventricular function after successful angioplasty. British Heart Journal 59:96,1988. Presented at the British Cardiac Society Meeting, London 1988.
  16. Singh A, Lee K, Goldfarb RD, Tsan MF. Depletion of myocardial glutathione exacerbates reperfusion injury. FASEB Journal, 3:A 1232, 1989.
  17. Schiepers C, Singh A, Sosa J. Follow-up assessment of vessel patency and myocardial ischemia by quantitation of spect polar maps. Clinical Research 37, April 1989.
  18. Lee K, Singh A, Tsan MF, Goldfarb RD. Effects of altered tissue glutathione levels on cardiac function during chronic endotoxemia. FASEB Journal, 3:A711, 1989.
  19. Singh A, Feinberg M, George K, Davidoff R, Bajajkian V, Tsan MF, Lee CY. Influence of impaired myocardial glutathione synthesison adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy. Circulation 86: 1992. Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Meeting, Plennary Session, September 1992.
  20. Singh A, Galvin J, Lombardo D, Portnow A, Fein S, Briggs B, Mead D, Anthony K. Alteration of regional left ventricular function in relationship to vasvagal syncope during head-up-tilting. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 21:2,1993. Presented at the ACC Scientific Session, March 1993.
  21. Singh A, Fein S, Smith VE, Duffy C, Saletta S, Fortune J. Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with blunt chest trauma.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 21:1994. Presented at the ACC Scientific Session, March 1994.
  22. Judkins DJ, Singh A. Frequency and significance of atrial electromechanical dissociation post chemical cardioversion for atrial fibrillation. European Society of Cardiology Working group on Arrhythmias. European Heart Journal, October, 1997. Presented at the European Society of Cardiology Meeting in Bologna, October 1997.
  23. Torosoff M, Singh A, Millar R, Fein SA. Diagnostic test, time to diagnosis and outcomes in aortic dissection. Circulation. September 2001. Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Session , September 2001.
  24. Patel A, Oezatalay D, Singh A. Site of regional improvement in left ventricular function does not correlate with site of bi-ventricular pacing in patients receiving resynchronization therapy. Presented at Americal Society of Internal Medicine Upstate New York Chapter Meeting October 9th, 2001. Awarded First Prize for Scientific Content.
  25. Oezatalay D, Patel A, Singh A. Resynchronization therapy produces greater improvement inleft ventricular function in patients withpacer induced compared to those with intrinsic Left Bundle Branch Block. Journal of the American College Of Cardiology. March,2003.
    Presented at the ACC Scientific Sessions, March 2003.
  26. Whelan DJ, Al-Khatib, SM, Kloosterman EM, Kutalek S, Manaris A, O’Connor C, Pavri BB, Porter C, Singh A, Williamson J, Ousdigian K. Changes in intrathoracic fluid index predict subsequent adverse events. : Results of the Multi-site Program at Access and Review Trending Information and Evaluate Co-relation to symptoms in Patients with heart failure ( PARTERNS HF) trial. Presented at the plenary session of the Heart Failure Society meeting, Toronto, Sept 23rd, 2008.
  27. Singh A, Parasher P, Bhatia N. Is there a role for left ventricular pacing alone in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy? Heart Rhythm, Vol 10, No 5 May supplement 2013.
  28. Singh A, Cutcher F, Tran A, Bass. Left ventricular pacing should be an option in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy. Journal of Heart Disease. Vol 10, Number 1., July 2013.
  29. Singh A, Karnik R, Gupta A, Kidd P, Bass E. The role of left ventricular pacing in patients with narrow QRS undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy. Europace 2014, Vol 16, S2. Cardiostim June 18, 2014
  30. Singh A, Chutani S, Shah A, Kantharia B. Improvement in electromechanical activation of the left ventricle according to the site of earliest pacing in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy. Heart Rhythm Society. May 12, 2017
  31. Singh A, Kantharia B. Lead placement for pacemakers, AICD and cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with persistent left superior vena cava. A series of 12 cases. Caribbean Cardiology Society, July 2018.
  32. Kantharia B, Shah A, Chutani S, Karnik R, Singh A. Effects of interventricular pace timings on left ventricular activation and clinical outcome in patients treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy European Society of Cardiology. August 2018.
