A regular screening mammogram is the most reliable way to find breast cancer early.

Early detection of breast cancer — even ahead of any symptoms — saves lives. Treatment is more effective and successful when the cancer is detected early and before it spreads. With modern technologies at Onvida Health, our dedicated and compassionate care team is here to fulfill your screening needs.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the U.S. Because one in 8 women will develop breast cancer, the American Cancer Society recommends that asymptomatic women between ages 40 and 44 start screening with a mammogram every year. Women ages 45 to 54 should have annual mammograms, and women ages 55 and older can transition to mammograms every other year.

Women at high risk for breast cancer should consider a breast MRI and mammogram every year, typically starting at age 30. If you carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, have a family history of breast cancer or have dense breast tissue, consult with your primary care physician for guidance on screening exams.

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Our screening procedures and therapeutic technologies include, but are not limited to:

This safe, non-invasive test uses sound waves to produce images of the internal breast structures so that lumps or other abnormalities can be diagnosed.

Screening mammography is the single most effective tool for detecting breast cancer and other diseases. It is also used as a preventive measure for women with no symptoms of breast disease. Both 2D and 3D mammography are available at Onvida Health.

Our board-certified radiologists use MRI guidance to extract fluid or cells from the abnormal area for testing.

When a radiologist reviews your mammogram and sees a suspicious abnormality that can’t be felt in a physical exam, a stereotactic breast biopsy using mammography may be performed to obtain sample tissue for testing.